Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Birthday's and Weddings don't mix.

Welp kiddies this past Sunday marked my 28th trip around the sun. Or is it the beginning of my 28th trip and end of my 27th trip? Anyway I spent this birthday at my boy's wedding. Now I don't know if any of you are big on your birthdays but I am. I really enjoy my birthday because I generally put other people first like 364 days a year and this is the one day where people put me first whether they feel obligated to or not, for the most part they just do. I enjoy the attention, the calls, and the presents.

I got aboslutely none of that this year. Since I was in the wedding I wasn't able to field those calls on Sunday. So I didn't get a chance to connect with my people the way I want to, and let them know that I truly appreciate hearing from them.

The wedding was long and I was pretty hot and tired of being in that tux by the end. It was great to see my boy that happy, but I felt like it came at a huge expense. The one day a year where I can be selfish and act like an ass because it's my day.

As of right now as I type this I haven't received anything, but I'm sure at somepoint I'll get something. Not that I need presents to feel important, but it would be nice to get a cookie or something. The Card I received was wonderful and heartfelt. I can't really ask for more than that in words.

We'll see what transpires in the next week ok.

In other news, we'll be again at the famed Lucky Bar to sort of celebrate my birthday. So anyone who actually reads this boring ass shit, then come and check me.

Appreciate the love and help me on this next trip around that big glowing sphere of gas.


At 9:40 AM , Blogger joshua said...

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