That seems about right!

Yeah that looks to be about right where it should be! It's funny that we as humans tend to think that our sex is by far and away the best sex out, but why we always trynna get into positions that the animals have figured out from the jump!
So the next syrious movie your boy will see, is of course Syriana!!
OK ok, I'm now completely in a the foulest of moods because of this shit right here. I can't believe they're really gonna allow this kat to take Sandra's post. This is one of the single most blatant "fuck you"s the Republicans have done to us all. Let's replace the rock of objectivity the Supreme Court has with a kat that will attempt to reverse Roe V. Wade. This shit is amazing to me. Absolutely amazing, and all the Democrats can do is sit back and be like "well he didn't fuck up when we were questioning him" these bammas are so ridiculously afraid of Bill Frist it amazes me. If you don't agree with someone they put up there, then say it. Don't be afraid to fillibuster. The fuck has our country come to? This shit deeply saddens me, and means that all decisions that go to the Supreme that WILL have an effect on our way of life have just been handed over to those whose moral foundations do not align themselves with mine. This is not a happy time for the kid, they fuckin our Dwarves in the ass over here. They've already started to quash our civil liberties under the guise of protection and safety. This environment of Fear that the government has created is amazing to me. Under the current state of affairs fear can be the reason for any and everything even remotely questionable in the eyes of Americans. "Yeah we're listening to your phone calls, but you know we have in order to make sure that 9/11 doesn't happen again". Even Laura is on that shit, she's quick to bring up 9/11. This adminstration disgusts me and constantly pees on our governmental system be taking actions the stretch the limitations that our constitution built into our government. We created a government that would be headed by a leader, but that leader's decisions would be kept in check by the other arms of the Government. This particular government has said "fuck all that, we gone do what we wanna do" ain't shit ya'll can do about it anyway. Problem is people are so afraid that they won't do shit. We don't stand up for shit. In other places that actually value their democracy they stand in the streets until things get done we just just go and type in our anger on our blogs (intentional dig at myself for being salty, but not doin shit other than complaining) then see what's coming on TV this evening. We're entirely too comfortable in this country. Unless they lost someone in 9/11 no one remembers the feeling of that day. No one remembers the atmosphere. I remember, because for the first time in my life I wasn't viewed as a young black threat, but as an American. My point is this; take your democracy more serious people, it seems that everyone across the world that we've imparted our way of life has taken it way more seriously than we have so why can't we.
Well in other shit that I find re-damn-diculous I was over at my friendly OKP and i was put on to the new-skool coontastics. This sort of saddened me. It makes a mockery of us and our culture. I don't know I just find it wrong, then on top of that the only damn card that wasn't working was the yep you guessed it "Graduation" card. Damn shame fam, damn shame.
Aiight so I was thinking about one of my favorite movies and I decided that I could've very easily been in this movie. I look at the role and think, I already sound like this, so it wouldn't have been much of a stretch for me you know. Damn now I just need to find a fuckin agent and move to LA to look at screenplays and such. If you're wondering I was talking about the black dude.
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