So I gave up Fried Food and Beer for Lent

Each year Ash Wednesday (For those who don't know that's why you saw a bunch of people with big black crosses on their heads yesterday) marks the time in a Catholics life where we are to begin our observance of LENT. This is a 40 day period where we're supposed to go without something that is very much dear to us in rememberance of how Jesus went without Food for 40days and 40 nights in the dessert with the devil tempting him the entire time. He did not falter so thereby we shall not falter. Along with going without whatever your favorite thing may be, you must also observe that on Fridays you are supposed to fast and you're only allowed to eat fish. None of these things sound particularly hard except when you've grown up in a society that is as indulgent as ours we make ourselves believe that it's going to be hard. Giving up fried food won't be fun, but it shouldn't kill me. I'll just have to watch out for things that we forget are fried; Chips, Tortilla chips, french fries, Mozzarella Sticks, wings from basically every restaurant around. My wings however are not off limits because I boil mine then right to the grill. Take note people, this is the real way to make wings. You'll thank me for it later. Anyway I digress, this season of Lent brings us right up to Easter, the time of year we celebrate the Lord returning from the Dead. "Hooray Magic Jesus!!!!!" He died for our sins and came back for us as well. This is the time of year where us not so good Catholics make our obligatory appearances in church.
I don't know why we do it, but we skip church all year long, but we feel like as long as we go on Easter and Christmas we're somehow absolved of all of those weeks we missed. I understand the religion and everything I just find it funny that we all pretty much ascribe to this way of thinking. "Well as long as we make it to the big ones we'll be straight" This is poor on our part, yet I still don't see myself making it to church this Sunday. Well unless I go with my mother.
Anyway so yeah this is my little bit on Religion, just know people that on Easter Sunday I will be completely fat and sweating from all the grease I'm sure to enhale, "did you two hashbrowns sir, naw I said foe!, oh did you want extra grease with that chicken, yes ma'am I did thank you kindly" You know what's pretty bogus about this move of mine, I give up beer and St. Patty's day falls right in the middle of LENT, so no green beer for me. I'll partake in the shenanigans, but really I'll just be salty i'm not drunk like everyone else.
Wing question - doesn't boiling the wings, then grilling them result in the wings being overcooked? Just wondering - do you not boil them through, or am I missing something?
Looking to make my wings better...
well when u boil them first..u're precooking as not to give someone salmonella..often when grilling the outside of food prepares faster than the inside depending on your fire...It's best to boil anything u cook on the grill first meat wise(if u want it well done)...
The wing question is very valid and at first that's what I worried about. Actually once you boil completely, meaning no blood in the wing, and then place on the grill it works to seperate the meat from the bone. It's two different types of heat for your wings. Try it once, and let me know how that goes. If you have any other wing questions let me know.
Good luck brother, I can't do without my
Shit's much harder then I thought fam, it's tough!
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