Good times with good People

This past weekend my homegirl Charisse came down from Boston. She is pictured with the kid at Left. She is one of my closest peoples in the world. She has amazing energy that is quite frankly infectious. You hang out with her and you love her, that's just how it goes. Ask anyone who spent any amount of time with her this weekend. I mean we did a lot of stuff this weekend though. I mean we went from clubbing to drinking to play fighting the entire weekend. I'm not sure who said it first, but whomever it was that said "friends are family that you choose" was 100% correct. I had to take a step back at somepoint this weekend and truly look at the people who play large rolls in my life. I took stock and had to be thankful that I have so many great friends, not just people who come and go, but real friends. People who have been there through good and bad, seen me at my best and at my worst. They have watched me grow, they have watched me make great decisions and also make horrible ones. Through it all they have never judged me, helped me get up when I've fallen and stayed right there with me. I love them dearly and I feel honored to be thought of so highly by so many people. Show ya people some love for real.
yall look so cute..yall my peoples...i'm mad i missed it :)
The times was good homie, I'm talking good times. You were missed though. Moe's place was a complete mess, greatness was at our fingertips.
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