At first most men when young believe the idea of more women being fantastic. They fantasize about all nite orgies with their 3 or 4 banging ass wives. They think about how they'll obidiently keep his household clean, and make sure that his glass of kool-aid is always full. Make sure that if he wants to play Xbox the controllers are already rolled out for him. That if he has to fart there will be one of his wives right there to fan the sulphur away from his nostrils. This is what we imagine this life of Polygamy to be. The reality is far from it. It's societal ostracism, a million fuckin kids, (They're all yours too fam, all yours!), there's the moving to Utah, there's also a lack of a life, from what I saw of it on the History channel them bammas spent damn near erry nite in Church, or town hall, or whatever it is they call it. Then we come to real reason why Polygamy is a terrible idea. For the fellas in grown up relationships you'll all feel what comes next. There's not just one woman to take care of, but instead there's 4!!! Which equals 4 times the drama, which equals 4 times the birthdays, 4 times the Anniversaries, 4 times the PMS (which will probably all come at the sametime since women have that ability to sort of coordinate their periods to around the same time as the women they're around regularly) 4 times the attention. Think about how much attention and love you have to give to your ONE lady right now. Then think about attempting to give 3 more ladies that amount of love. That shit just sounds down right scary, because you'd never be able to truly give them all what they want so some if not all will be in a state of perpetual saltiness! Yeah try sleeping comfortably knowing that all of your "wives" are not taken care of properly. No thanks playa I'll stick with my one. She's more than enough. Oh and a real quick last note, is it me or are all the women who are willing to participate in such antics utterly disturbing in the facial region? Yeah I ain't think it was just me. Them chicks be broke da fuck down!!!!
Ok so in other news, the weather went from like 84 yesterday to a nice balmy 61, and then down to 36 degrees this evening. Ain't global warming great!!!
it's enough effort acting grown and trying to maintain *one* relationship. and i'm *still* learning!
having to juggle more than one would lead to hurt and difficulty. and i can't even imagine how it would be with kids involved.
I can't see it, the ability to hold one down correctly is hard enough, there's no way i could see doing it for 3 more women. It just sounds like it would unbearable and emotionally painful for the females involved. If it was guys they'd just fight and hope that they got some twice a week.
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